Affidavit of Translation

Our certified, professional translators stand behind the accuracy of our translations and will provide a sworn affidavit of translation for any document you need. We’re available 24/7 to serve you and can deliver in as little as one day.

Guaranteed Quality & Accuracy

Expert Human Transcriptionists

Expert Human Transcriptionists

4.8 out of 5 Aggregate Rating

What Are Affidavit of Translation Services?

An affidavit of translation is a sworn statement from your translator attesting to their competency and the faithfulness of your certified translation to the original. Unlike a Certificate of Translation Accuracy, the affidavit is given under oath, and must be completed in the presence of a qualified witness.

Affidavit of Translation Professional Services

You may be required to obtain an affidavit of translation when applying to a university, dealing with immigration, or during foreign court proceedings. We offer affidavits for documents such as: