All you need to know about Leave and License agreement

A couple filling their leave and license agreement

Simply put, a Leave and License is an understanding where one party (the owner, named the ‘licensor’) provides a limited right to use their premises to the other party (called the ‘licensee’) for rent. This arrangement is recommended since it generates no lasting legal rights in favour of the license. A Leave and License agreement has restricted authority concerning the property.

A Leave and Licence agreement gives the Licensee permission to hold the licensor’s property. Occupancy is thus issued based on Leave and License and not based on ownership.

Why is it compulsory to register a Leave and License agreement?

While renting your property, there is a possibility that your tenant does not follow what’s verbally decided. For example, you and your tenant decide on a rental amount of, say, Rs. 12,000, which is supposed to be transferred to you on the 1st of every month. Furthermore, you and the tenant agree on a lease tenure of 1 year. But when the due date arrives, the tenant either claims a false rental amount or delays transferring the rent on that particular day; even worse, they refuse to leave the property.

It seems like the worst nightmare, isn’t it?

Therefore you need to have a government-authorized Leave and License agreement that has everything in writing, which mainly includes- the rental amount, due dates of rent transfers, lease tenures, and yearly rent escalations. So that if the tenant does not comply with what is decided, you can take legal action against them.

It is your responsibility as a Licensor to register the Leave and License agreement with the government; failing to do so will also result in a monetary fine or imprisonment, along with the possibility of bringing the premises to court. .

Features of Leave and License agreement

The Leave and License agreement has the following properties:

The owner has a higher right and advantage when it comes to the cancellation and eviction of a tenant.

Essential elements of Leave and License agreement-

There are some general conditions to be included in an arrangement for Leave and License. These characteristics are not comprehensive, and not all of these characteristics might be present in an agreement. It depends on the conditions negotiated between the licensor and the licensee.

Limits on security deposits under Model Tenancy law:

Under the Model Tenancy Law, the security deposit to be paid by the tenant in advance should be taken on the following conditions-

a) Deposit should not exceed two months’ rent, in case of residential premises; and

b) Not exceed six months’ rent, in case of non-residential premises.

However, the state governments of India have left it to the discretion of the parties and are regulated by the tenancy agreement.

Benefits of Leave and License for tenant

In conclusion, Leave and License agreements preserve the rights of both the parties- owner and tenant. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that the owner and the tenant sign the Leave and License agreement by reading it carefully. Ensure each clause has the appropriate values discussed and agreed upon between the parties. Owners and tenants may sometimes face unwanted legal consequences if the agreement is drafted incorrectly.

You should watch out for some minute details, such as the incorrect rental amount in the agreement, inaccuracies in the lease terms, and spelling errors in the tenants’ and owners’ names.

We hope you now have a better understanding of the importance of Leave and License agreements. PropReturns is a one-stop shop for real estate buying, selling, and debts, and we help you with the documentation too! To explore numerous real estate investment opportunities, head to our investment page.