Evolution of Indian Constitution

Regulating Act of 1773, Charter Act of 1833, Indian Councils Act of 1861, Government of India Act of 1919, Government of India Act of 1935 etc.

Constituent Assembly

Formation: December 9, 1946

Duration: From December 1946 to November 1949

Adoption of Constitution: November 26, 1949

Provide flexibility, address deficiencies, reflect social change, enhance democracy, protect fundamental rights, meet international obligations, and ensure constitutional stability.

Basic Structure Doctrine

Originated: Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala case in 1973.

Current Role

The Constitution has been amended to address evolving needs, but its core principles remain intact.

Evolution of the Indian constitution

British colonial rule in India shaped the bedrock of the Indian Constitution:

  1. Indian Independence Act of 1947: It declared India as an independent and sovereign state, effective from August 15, 1947. The act facilitated the partition of India, resulting in the creation of two dominions: India and Pakistan. Additionally, it empowered the Constituent Assemblies to draft and adopt a constitution, and to repeal any law or act, including the Independence Act itself.

Constituent assembly

Critics have raised several concerns about the Constituent Assembly, highlighting the following issues:

  1. Lack of Representation : The members of the Constituent Assembly were not directly elected through universal adult franchise.
  2. Lack of Sovereignty : The assembly was formed based on British Government proposals and conducted its sessions with their permission, undermining its independence and sovereignty.
  3. Domination by Congress Members: The Constituent Assembly was dominated by the Indian National Congress, raising concerns about political diversity and exclusion.
  4. Influence of Lawyers and Politicians : The dominance of lawyers and politicians in the Constituent Assembly resulted in a lengthy and technical Constitution, potentially making it less accessible to the public.

Samvidhan Divas: Celebrating India's Constitution

Samvidhan Divas, observed on 26th November annually, honors the adoption of the Constitution of India, representing the nation's dedication to its fundamental principles and values.

The Constituent Assembly drafted the Constitution for Independent India, creating a legal framework and India-specific systems that granted dignity to millions of people. We can conclude that even though indirectly elected, the Constituent Assembly was representative in the sense that it consisted of the people from all sections of the Indian society. Although with some limitations, constituent assembly drafted a comprehensive constitution.

Features of the Indian Constitution

The Indian Constitution is not merely a rulebook for governing the nation, but a visionary blueprint that sought to uphold the ideals of dignity and Swaraj (self-rule) that emerged during the Indian national movement.

Salient features of the Indian Constitution

The Indian Constitution is a remarkable blend of various constitutional frameworks from over 60 countries.

Sources of Indian Constitution

Convention, judicial interpretation, and the written portion of the composition from a variety of sources mainly from the Government of India Act, 1935.

Features taken

Directive Principles of State Policy, Ability Representation in the Rajya Sabha, and the process for electing the Indian President

Parliamentary system of Government

South Africa

Two-thirds majority amendment procedure in Parliament and election of Rajya Sabha members