H.R. 3428: United States Cadet Nurse Corps Service Recognition Act of 2023

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The summary below was written by the Congressional Research Service, which is a nonpartisan division of the Library of Congress, and was published on Jun 15, 2023.

United States Cadet Nurse Corps Service Recognition Act of 2023

This bill recognizes service as a member of the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps between July 1, 1943, and December 31, 1948, as active duty service. The active duty designation entitles qualifying individuals to certain benefits afforded to veterans, such as burial benefits (not including interment or inurnment at Arlington National Cemetery) and honorary veteran status.

Under the bill, the Department of Defense (DOD) must issue individuals who served in the corps during the specified period a discharge from their service under honorable conditions if such a discharge is warranted based on the duration and nature of the service.

Such individuals are not entitled to Department of Veterans Affairs benefits aside from those related to burials and memorials.

The bill also authorizes DOD to produce a service medal or other commendation, memorial plaque, or grave marker to honor the individuals.

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