Army Green To Gold Program – Active Duty Option (ADO)

Army Green to Gold Program

For those that have joined the Army as an enlisted soldier, there is an option to go to college and become an officer through the Army’s Green to Gold Program. Here is what you need to know about the program:

What Is the Army’s Green to Gold Program?

There are a couple of different options and the remainder of this article will be talking about the Green to Gold Active Duty Option. You can also choose the Green to Gold scholarship option or the Green to Gold non-scholarship option.

The Green to Gold Active Duty Option (ADO) is a two-year program for eligible active duty enlisted soldiers who can go on to earn a baccalaureate degree or a two-year graduate degree and then can earn an army officer commission.

What are the benefits of the Green to Gold program?

There are quite a few benefits of the Army’s Green to Gold program. You will:

What are the Green to Gold ADO requirements?

To be in the Army’s Green to Gold Active Duty program, you will need to be identified by your chain of command. Here are the other requirements. You must:

What would make me ineligible for the Green to Gold program?

There are a few things that would make you ineligible for the Army’s Green to Gold Active Duty Option program. You may be ineligible if you:

There are also rules for divorced and single parents. In some cases, you can get a waiver for these.

If both you and your spouse are in the military, you can not join the program as a team if you have any dependents under the age of 18. No waiver will be authorized in those cases.

How do I start the program?

You will need to start the application process online and can do so by going to the Army’s Green to Gold program webpage. Here is a list of what you need:

What else should I know about the Green to Gold Program?

As you can see, this program can be the right one for you. The Army’s Green to Gold program can further your education and your career, and help you achieve your goals.

You can find more detailed information as well as any updated information about the Army’s Green to Gold programs on their website.